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Black Frieza (Legacy Version)

This is my old version of Black Frieza.

Honestly, I don't really like this new Black form that much, but it's still Frieza, so... I had to make it.

The Aura for this mod was made by DK420187.

X2m + Aura Installer

1.0- Release

1.1 -Added Alternative weaker version

  • 45Mods
  • 77Followers

File size
56.42 MB
March 3, 2023


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  1. how can i update my xv2 mod installer ? every time im trying to install one of the newer mods it shows me a error with the notification “the xm2 requieres a newer version of the installer”

    how can i solve this? i find like nothing in the internet maybe you could help me

    1. Ok so this is what you need to do, find the newest Xv2 patcher and mod installer. Download them, the best thing to do to avoid problems is uninstall all your mods, uninstall the game, then go to your DBXV2 folder and delete it if you still have it (some players dont after uninstall and some do, i do after each uninstall) then reinstall the game and take the Xv2 patcher and bin folder and place them in your DBXV2 folder like normal. Then run the newest mod installer and you should be good to go.

  2. Another cool mod from ya dude, ive been using some of ur mods for awhile now. Id have to agree that the skills would be cool for CaC, i mean i can make them for CAC for my own use but i cant separate them, id love to be able to use death strike on a CAC without having to transform. It fits rather well with the evil saiyan preset i have, if you do decide to make the skills for CaC official any chance you could make them all separate?

    Either way i look forward to future releases from you.

  • 45Mods
  • 77Followers

File size
56.42 MB
March 3, 2023

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