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Black Frost Demon & Frost Demon Form for Frieza Race CaC + Customizable Turn Golden

Hello and welcome to my second mod! This mod is a transformation mod that allows you to transform your Frieza Race CaC into either a Black Frost Demon, pulling inspiration from the new Black Frieza form. Or you can transform into a true Frost Demon form harkening design inspiration to Frost from Universe 6.


Both these new forms are meant to be Powered similarly to Turn Golden with the Black Frost Demon taking a bigger leap in power and drawbacks to put it on par with a Mastered Ultra Instinct.

With this mod, like my Orange Namekian mod, You can customize the partset to match your current CaC! For right now upon upload, this mod includes one partset based on my CaC Icen, but you can easily swap out the parts in it to match the ones you use for your Frieza Race. I will be updating this mod over time to include a more Frieza or Frost inspired partset, as well as eventually including a reskin for every available base game FR CaC! So keep an eye out for that!

Of course, massive credit to Lazybone for their New Transformations mod which this one is built upon. Without their Turn Golden to use as a base, this mod wouldn't be able to exist. I also Have included a version of Turn Golden that you can customize your partset with.

There is also a bonus character X2M of my aforementioned FR CaC so you can test the mod out for yourself before committing to having the mod for yourself. Icen does have a few modded moves on his customizations, mostly Lazybones New Transformation, but there is also a Ultra Ego mod from Fluffy Papi CRS, go download it here if you haven't already:  (Permission was granted to use this mod in my character mod) If there are other ones that slipped through the cracks still attached to him, let me know and I will remove them/get permission for them, but I am pretty sure I removed all of them before hand.


If you have any questions or find a bug, feel free to comment here or @ me in the Citidel Discord!

Install the X2M and make sure that the needed partsets ended up in your FRI folder.

1.0 Added Black Frost Demon, Frost Demon, customizable Turn Golden, and custom character Icen to the mod.

Professor Mor
  • 3Mods
  • 9Followers

October 16, 2022


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    1. I am unsure. Right now I do not have plans on making any mods for majins as it would take a lot more work with such vastly different male and female models. As well as most of what I try to work on is stuff that has happened in canon and just has not/might not come to the games as of yet.

  1. I’m trying to download this Freeza Race Black form mod and I want to make the transformation wear a certain costume, the final form costume complete with the head. equal to the final frieza form. But I don’t know the IDs for that. could you help me with this? whenever I try to modify it always comes accessories in my head..

  2. CANNNNNN YOUUUUUU PLEASE DO LIKE TRANSFORMATION LINES???????? Like for both namakian and Frieza? that would so awesome we don’t really have any for either but the lazy bones but I’d love transformation lines if you know how to that would be awesome!! 😀

    1. well, my Namekian mod is already a transformation line going from PU to Orange Namekian, don’t really have any others that could be added into that one. For this one I could probably throw together one that ties Golden and Black together into one line, I just hadn’t thought about it because so far what we have seen Frieza has used the two completely separate from each other and not Base -> Golden -> Black. Ill take a look and update it when I can.

      1. True and for frieza maybe you could improve lazy bones one and do like first form, second, third, final, coolers form or 100%, then golden and finally black that would be really awesome. To bad Namekian doesn’t really have any others, other than the fusion and the fan made blue one
        🙁 but thanks and I love your mods so don’t stop doing what you are doing please 😀

          1. Okay awesome 😀 and sweet I can’t wait I kind of feel bummed we don’t got really any other races transformations but now we do thanks to you 😀 keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. So that is going to be because you have too many modded costume parts for Frieza Race. For that you will have to uninstall some of them. The other possible problem is that the partset that I used for this mod is already being used by another mod that you have installed. For this you would need to check the partset number in my mod compared to the mods in your FRI folder.

  3. So is there no real way to make this conform to any bodytype by swapping what colors are used for the golden transformation, adjusting the stats and placing it in a new skill? I don’t know much about modding and how possible that is but it seems like it should be, unless of course the base game has files for all clothing’s golden colors in which case that seems like redundant game design but oh well. If not I’ll just have to partset swap it. I do see in the description that you’ll be making one for any basegame cac possible, but if I were to request one modded clothing item it’d have to be

    1. So yeah, TLDR is that there is custom dyt files for every costume part in the game. In order to have it work for every part in the game you would have to swap out the parts because making a separate version of the mod for every individual combination of the 10 parts that make up your character. Eventually I will have it so you can choose your parts, but that will still be a ways out.

        1. You can take a look at my Orange Namekian mod for a bit more detailed a guide than this one has, I admittedly rushed the readme on this one a bit and need to update it once I’m not sick. Otherwise I would suggest checking out the Citadel discord I mentioned in my description as people there would be able to help ya (or I could there, I just don’t want to give tech support via comments atm)

    1. What you would have to do is take the parts you want to use. Copy over the DYT colors into the correct area. And then change the instances of SKIN in the emm and emd to something else (I used BFR I believe in mine) and then rename them to be the partsets included in the mod. You can find more information on that over in my Orange Namekian mod. I’ll eventually get those instructions over here, I guess I just forgot to get them Included when I was rushing to submit the mod.

  4. any chance you could do the platinum and diamond and ruby frieza race fan transformations? people been wanting those for years but noone ever does them and only does simple recolors of frieza or cooler, none for cac. frieza race could use more transformations anyway, even if they are just recolors of turn golden with the customization.

    1. Golden stance is something that I dont currently have a way to remove. Because this is built upon Turn Golden it uses the same animation and camera files. If you have coding experience you would be able to change out the files, but modifying those files arent something that I am great at right now, hence why it keeps the way it is.

Professor Mor
  • 3Mods
  • 9Followers

October 16, 2022

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