Broly (Base – SSJ)

This mod was made using assets from Xenoverse 2 and Battle of Z.
Apart from the super saiyan hair from his first costume (one with the blue hair) the hairs were custom made along with the face. I made the body using cac parts and Broly parts.
The model is by no means perfect, but i'm satisfied with the results for now.
Unfortunately, there is no legendary super saiyan transformation awaken skill to go with my mod. This is because transformation mods are not my specialty. If someone one wants to help me make one, I'd really appreciate it, but for now this Broly can only go normal super saiyan.
I made both costumes separate, because they use different super saiyan hairs and to just make my life a little easier lol. Just append them to one slot using the slot editor/mod installer.
Costume 1 - is based of Broly's first movie appearance, where is under the mind control of Paragus. His hair also turns blue/purple when he goes super saiyan, just like in the movie.
Costume 2 - is based of Broly's second movie appearance, where his gi is damaged and he is free of the mind control rings. His hair turns the regular ssj color.
His moveset and skills are the same as the vanilla Broly, along with the voice.
Before anyone asks, I might make his base form in his new movie costume (Frieza Force Armor) but I might hold off on that till the new DLC drops, then again I might not.
Hope you like it!
This mod is amazing and I love it – can’t stop playing it. But there’s just a few things I would HOPE to see fixed if you have the time (I know this stuff takes a long time).
• Broly doesn’t completely stand on the ground which means walking is quite awkward as he doesn’t hit the ground. This also means that when fighting, he’s stuck above the air which looks weird because some of the combos drop.
• Some combos drop (none in particular, just random combos). It’s not that they drop per se, it’s just that they fall out of my combo.
• I wish his ki blasts were green like the original game’s Z Broly. One staple mark of Broly are his green ki blasts.
I don’t know if I’m the only one experiencing this but I just thought I’d let you know in case it’s for everyone. Love the mod man, been checking some of your other mods out too. You’re really good man!
is there any way to get this hairstyle for cac?
I’ve found 2 so far.