Broly Clothes Skimpy for HUF CaC

Reworked version of theĀ skimpy Broly outfit with my new body model. ID HUF_530. I'll leave the old version in the download.
Replaces Broly's Clothes obviously.
Optional files:
- Broly hairstyle. Replaces the hair number 6 in the list.
Paste the data folder into your Xenoverse 2 root folder. Same for Hair.
- release
- added a x2m file (provided by Rando Numba Nine , thanks)
- reworked version with new body model
- fixed the seam between arm and hand
I got a question what is the root folder?
I know this mod hasn’t been updated in 4 years, but, would it be possible for this to get a MAF compatibility update?
So, personally, whenever i try to equip Broly’s wrists my game dies cause my character won’t load and i have to exclude the mod.