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Broly trained by Goku – Controlled Full Power Super Saiyan

Hi everyone :)
After many months of pause from modding, i got back with a mod inspired from
BlueAnimation's Dragonball Super: Super Hero Fan Animation Part 1 on youtube,
we get to see there Broly having control of his Full Power Super Saiyan form after
training with Goku which we didn't see that yet in the last two dbs movies.
Thanks a lot to Far Knight for giving me the permission to use his models and textures,
even his super skills from his mod Project Wrath, i made two ultimates and a custom moveset,
Gigantic Super Kamehameha and Gigantic Super Spirit Bomb.

I have permission from Far Knight, Fireman123, TiredChi to use their models, textures and super skills from their mod Project Wrath.
Credit to BlueAnimation for this awesome fan made video Dragonball Super: Super Hero Fan Animation Part 1.
  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
20.64 MB
September 12, 2023


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  1. This model looks insanely clean, the attacks are all great and so is the aura design

    However the moveset really leaves a lot to be desired though unfortunately, anyone downloading this just keep in mind the moveset is really janky a has Broly clipping through the ground and sometimes dropping combos

    I tried replacing his moveset with the FP Broly moveset in the base game but the game doesn’t like it so not much you can really do about that

    1. Since you tried to replace his moveset but the game doesn’t like it and you could not do much about it, now you know why i could not make it perfect.
      Registering some days ago just to judge and tell people in a way to stay away from an imperfect mod isn’t very nice, you are welcome to create and upload your own versions.
      If i’ll get the free time and the motivation to fix or make a new moveset for the mod then i will do it, currently i prioritize very important tasks in real life and put aside gaming and modding until everything goes well.
      Thanks a lot for your comment and have a nice day.

  • 9Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
20.64 MB
September 12, 2023

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