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CACTP Pack 1 (Created Avatar Character Transformation Pack 1)

CACTP Pack 1 (Created Avatar Character Transformation Pack 1) (MODDER RESOURCE JUST CREDIT ME LEL)

This pack and all subsequent packs came from an idea I had of turning certain super or ultimate skills into transformations but making them available for all races to use. Since I can't animate well atm this seemed like a good way of creating something more unique for more than just Sayian and Earthlings Cac's. So all Transformations within this pack and all other packs will be useable by all races. I hope by creating these packs people will make more unique transformations for Namekians, Frieza Race, and Majins as they are pretty shafted on VGM.

For the stats on the transformations themselves, I just copied them from kaioken for testing purposes. Of course, since this is a resource you can go ahead and make your transformations and make them look however you want. Now as for the transformations themselves they are: 1. Assault Rain Transformation 2. Audacious Laugh Transformation 3. Brave Heat Transformation 4. Break Cannon Transformation 5. Burning Strike Transformation 6. Darkness Twin Star Transformation 7. Do or Die Transformation 8. Dodoria Headbutt Transformation 9. Emperor's Sign Transformation 10. Meditation Transformation (All of which are x2m files)

Each transformation is a single stage for but I will be making mutistage transformations in the future upon my short break and releasing more packs.

Since this mod doesn't have a part set it should be compatible with Revamp as it currently stands, but if I can learn about Revamp and its various part sets I can go and make custom Sayian/Earthling Transformations based on the dynamic hairs of Revamp.

Finally, I would like to give credit to Shallka as they helped me with learning how to convert skills into transformations and how different things like BCMs, BACs, and File Load Tools work. They specifically helped me with the Break Cannon Transformation but learning how to convert/customize Break Cannon helped me with every other transformation down the line.

Last thing but it seems that Male Majins don't play nice with SSJ dyt so if you make a Male Majin transformation you should likely avoid them unless you want weirdly colored boots and hands.

Now go forth and make something cool I gotta get a retwist

It's just X2M files, download and purchase them in the shop lol.

1.0 The first version of the mod pack released All sound effects, effects, transformations, and animations should work properly for all races. Camera's may be a bit weird for Namekians and Male Majins.

Pallet Eater
  • 8Mods
  • 36Followers

File size
3.82 MB
Credit given to modders
Me, Me, Me lol, Tutor Shallka
October 2, 2024


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Pallet Eater
  • 8Mods
  • 36Followers

File size
3.82 MB
Credit given to modders
Me, Me, Me lol, Tutor Shallka
October 2, 2024

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