Calli The Female Legendary Super Saiyan (Female Broly)

This mod was not made by only me but by Hisana Fukuhara as well. If it wasn't for her, none of this would be possible. HUGE thanks to her for all the coding elements of this mod whereas I did the modelling parts
This is theĀ current point from my previous mod, This is female broly.
She has custom fighting style, a new ultimate and the Legendary Super Saiyan skill has 2 stages, suppressed and max LSSJ. Suppressed has SSBKK X10 animation and the max power has Blaster meteor animation.
Heads up! I now have a patreon, if you want to support me please do and it will help a lot with upcoming mods.
Eternity X2m Method. If you have problems with x2m you can open the X2M with WinRAR.
3.02: Full Release
3.04: Fixed skirt issue and LSSJ face damaged issue.
3.08: Fixed all Crashing and skills updated.
In a few weeks, Me, Hisana and a couple other gifted individuals will be making an "ultimate" version that's as accurate as possible.
the name is not Calli but Kale change the name
Hi,I’m working on a 3d model of kale based on her anatomy from the manga transformed into ssj, and it seems to me that your model of the suppressed form of kale ssj is perfect. I would like to contact you to ask your permission to use your kale base modeling.