Chromatic Villains Pack (Budokai 3 Alt Colors)

*NOTE: Frieza 2nd and 3rd Form belong to Mastaklo and do NOT belong to me! This pack only includes the edited texture files, so if you want the characters, download Mastaklo's original mods!*
While I was waiting for the patcher to be updated (although I was gonna do this anyway), I decided to make more Budokai 3 Alt colors for more of the characters! I decided to make it a pack and couple them all together, so in this pack, you have: Omega Shenron, Frieza Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 100% (with a B3 inspired Golden Form), Broly, and Dabura. I had a bit of a problem with Omega Shenron, so he has Supernova (Cooler) instead of Minus Power because he gets locked out of all actions when he used it, so I had to change it. Speaking of which, I also plan on making Cooler Budokai 3 Alt Colors, but I need to get Cooler Spaceship so I can make Meta Cooler as well. Also, some of the pictures didn't want to load for some reason, so sorry if it's less detailed than I'd like. Anyway, I hope you guys all like them!
Broly, Dabura, Omega Shenron, and Frieza 1st, 4th, 100%, and Golden are all X2Ms, and Frieza 2nd and 3rd forms are replacers. To be honest, I want to explain how you can make your own X2M of them, but I don't think the installation or description is the place to do that, so I won't unless I'm told that I can.