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Cinematic Ki Blast Clash

Clash anytime : Ki Blast Edition :D


*Note that the user winning is pre-determined, it's currently not possible to make interactive clashes

Install the X2M first, then run the CMN_Installer

1.0 - Released

  • 100Mods
  • 417Followers

April 4, 2024


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  1. Now this is awesome. I wonder if it’s possible to make a mod exactly like this except the predetermined winner is randomly picked as the moves chosen. It would sorta be cannon. Like if you were getting wrecked by the ai you’d use the beam clash mod as a last hope shot hoping for the comeback like a gamble. Keep the mod as a cinematic but the outcome would either be a win or a loss. Awesome mod though buddy.

  2. The installer doesnt work for me.. or any mod that has an installer. Sometime last year they just stopped working for me but i can use installers for mods anytime before then just fine and I cant see to find an answer on it.. but this is the error i get:

    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type ‘System.Windows.DpiScale’ from assembly ‘PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’.

  3. would it technically be possible to tie “winning” the clash to the timer by any chance? if the clock falls on an odd number you fail the clash? or would something like this already need to be in the game for it to work. as per usual 10/10 mod 😀

    or maybe drain both of the players ki or stamina? first one to run out gets broken and loses the clash.

    1. unfortunately i can’t do any kind of logic checking or stamina breaks, cinematic attacks have very limited tools in xenoverse, besides just checking if the animation ended, or if the characters reached the ground (Gigantic Rage / Raid Blast)

  4. This. Mod. Looks. Amazing.
    Same with the clash anytime skill, these types of skills go above and beyond and are simply breathtaking.
    However, I seem to be experiencing a rather frustrating issue with this one that I desperately want to fix
    so I can use this one, because I nearly fell out of my chair when I first saw it.
    Instead of the clash taking place, my character punches a static unmoving opponent, and the beams don’t meet and the opponent
    is invisible from that moment onward.
    I’ve tried uninstalling reinstalling, uninstalling my other skills that affect CMN, but neither have proved successful.
    if anyone has any ideas I’d really appreciate if they could share them.

          1. I’m using the Bardock revision moveset for cac, by JustBarelyMods.
            It’s getting quite old at this point and hasn’t been updated for some time, so that certainly could be it.
            But none of Unleashed’s or other mods altering CMN have been affected my my moveset alone.

            Hoping it’s not that because I adore that moveset by JBM.

          2. Actually upon further testing it appears to not be related to the moveset at all. Using the Ki blast clash on characters with vanilla movesets will produce the same result of the animations not working properly.
            I can’t for the life of me figure out whats wrong.

        1. @Shiro
          Why the offense?
          I didn’t command him to do it, i just asked him and by “any plans to” i meant “could you”, but i didn’t want to sound like you think i was.
          So if he wants to or not, its his decision and i totally respect that.

          It seems that BjornTheBear did some cool edits on the mod and released a showcase on youtube, i hope if you want to let him release that mod pack, that would be cool.

        2. Shiro you got me all wrong, i never intended to force or command anyone to do something, i just asked if he will do?
          Sometimes people even the “could you” are misunderstanding and i didn’t want to sound like you think i sound, calm down please.

  • 100Mods
  • 417Followers

April 4, 2024

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