Custom Characters No glow on Transformations By Jee The Creator
This is my first public mod and it has been completed. It removes the greasy glow from the Clothes upon Transforming into a Super Saiyan. It makes the SSJ Transformation look a little like the calm SSJ featured in DBZ. It comes with the calm yellowish ssj colour for the hair, along with a version compatible with the original hair.
This mod works well With Yusion's Classic Reshade (i tried to get cac hair as close to that as possible). read the log files, they explain everything. Mod works with even modded hairs(Not Transformable hairs , like goku base to ssj) .
If anyone uploads these files plz credit me as Young Jee or Jee the Creator or Jee The Prodigy Thanx
Thank Yusion for their amazing mods (especially that reshade).
Big Thanks to Vallantine "Reiaku" C. for inspiration and suggestions. =)
Thank Me for my amazing mods (especially this one) =)
Put the files you want from the Clothes Folder into Datap3 then repack
Put the files you want from the Face&eyebrows Folder and hair folder into Data2 then repack
Or use the patcher
Initial Release
*Added Few More Clothes
*Added colorable goku pack
*Body folder moved to clothes
*Added New SSJ Hair Version (To make the transformation not look so calm)
*Added Old SSJ Hair Version That had the greasy glow.
Had a bit of free time, not much.
*Added a few more colorable clothes
*Fixed an error with files in the wrong folder
*Fixed many errors causing glow to return
*Added wild rider,both RR Commanders and King Kai.
*Finished All Clothes!!!
*Re-Organised Everything, For Easier Access!
*Removed an unnecessary hair version.
*Finished All Clothes For Female!!! (Colorable,Non-colorable)
*Fixed some hair errors
*Added Hair Accessory Folder so hair versions could be accurate.(Works like clothes&hair mixed, it has colorable and non-colorable along with 2 versions)