Custom PQ: Battle Against Despair Itself!

-Hey everyone! today i bring to you a personal favorite of the quests i made so far. In this quest you challenge Goku black and try to put a stop to the ZMP. Its a pretty tough quest be sure to be wary of certain nullifications. I hope you all enjoy, depending if you all like it or not i may make a PT.2! Check Art #438 in-game for a special suprise!
-Also it should be worth noting in the standard version of this quest p3 is locked as rage Trunks. i included a version without that restriction its the same x2m but infront is (NO P3 LOCK)
-If you experience any bugs or have any other issues please feel free to let me know!
download the rar file and extract the x2m's, install using XV2INS
why does goku black not take damage after he transforms?
Miserable mission. Trunks is the most annoying and useless partner to have. Dies in 3 seconds. But every 2 seconds he IS alive he’s knocking the enemy out of your combos. And one of their moves locks you in a weird pokeball and removes any transformations with no way to dodge or block it.
how i can change the number of the mission? i already have a mission with the 163 and this one is not appearing and i think its beacuse of this
do I install both X2M?
Well, it depends. The (NO P3 LOCK) one does NOT have rage trunks as your ally. In the standard version of the mission regardless of who you pick your gonna have rage trunks as your 3rd ally. Hope that helps!
bro i love ur quest mods even if the enemy takes away 2 health bars with a single attack but idc because they are fun to play and they dont have any unnecesary dlc requierements
lmao im sorry lol, thanks so much for your kind words!! And dw more quests on the way soon!
Disgusting mission, when you’re hitting him with a ki ult they don’t hurt them, lousy quest, plus you put super armor on him so he doesn’t take damage.
Skill issue + cope + seathe
I make the quest and i got 2 “unknown item” what is?
it was with the another itens, not wth the moves
I added those in as a joke, sorry about that lol. they were originally some like mixing item or something useless like that. i may change that a bit later on if i remember.
Do you need the DLC for this quest since the last one didn’t and it was fun to play?
Nope! Every quest i upload does NOT have DLC locks! Even if the quest features DLC characters or skills. If you do not own the DLC, the skills that drop wont be added to your inventory but you can still enjoy the quest!