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Custom PQ: Inimitable Omnipotence Z/S

Hello everyone! This quest has been a long time in the making. So i am very happy to bring you the Vegeta version of the RO series!!

FAIR WARNING: These quests are VERY DIFFICULT and are only for the brave and experienced. Casual and new players are welcome to try but you have been warned.

This quest is an experience like none other where you challenge Vegeta in a 1v1 scenario. You may bring allies if you wish, personally tho I would not like anyone there to witness me getting beat. This is not new news for returning players from the Goku version but I should mention that incase you do bring allies. They wont be helping.

Provided in the the download file is two unique versions of the quest.

Firstly is the Z version,

The Z version is where you fight all of Vegeta's forms from Dragon Ball Z and a bonus fight with Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta from GT. And for obvious reasons the Z version is inherently easier than the S version. So all casual and new players I would recommend this for training and getting a taste for what's to come. However dont underestimate the enemies just because its the Z version.

Second, the S version.

The S version is where you fight all of Vegeta's forms from Dragon Ball Super featuring ULTRA EGO Vegeta. This version will put you through the ringer and really test your capability to survive! This version is not to be taken lightly. I expect that all of you will have some trouble with this one.

Now im going to talk about some neat new features brought to you all in these quests:

Final Flash X

Final Flash X was created by Wardenplays and this move is very dangerous! Final Flash X WILL one shot upon contact your only option is to evade it, and breaking Vegeta out of the attack is not an option. This move is supposed to be reminiscent of Vegeta's final flash he used on Jiren in the TOP.

Character Exclusive Super Souls

Again thanks to Wardenplays SS4, Majin and UE Vegeta all have unique super souls. If you want to learn more about what they do and the details please refer to the document proivded in the download file.

UE Vegeta

Thanks to TCG Cardcast for lending me their UE Vegeta model for use in this quest!

Next up im going to talk about new mechanics:

Due to feedback received after RO Goku and my combo pack PQs I have fundamentally changed how my fights operate. Instead of insanley high health stat, i have decided to go more with DMG reduction and less health. In my opinion this makes fights flow way better and you can actively see your progress. NOTE that in some fights enemies will still have white HP but not for nearly as long.

For the last 3 phases of Z and S every 2 mins you be administered a full HP regen this was put in place t substitute capsule use. And in my opinion it works pretty well. In the S version for the last 2 phases you will receive a full stamina regen as well as the hp regen.

Just like RO Goku you will also get a brief HP and STM regen upon completion of each phase.

This quest is best experienced with the Gameplay Enhancer made by Wardenplays! :

Well, Thats it for notes from me. I hope you all enjoy my new quest!! One last special thanks to Wardenplays and TCG Cardcast this quest would not have been possible without these 2!!!

eternities tools (only pick one at a time)

  • 8Mods
  • 4Followers

File size
64.36 MB
Credit given to modders
Wardenplays, TCG Cardcast
February 19, 2024


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  • 8Mods
  • 4Followers

File size
64.36 MB
Credit given to modders
Wardenplays, TCG Cardcast
February 19, 2024

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