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Custom Super Soul – God Mode!!!

The first thing I tried to figure out when modding XV2 was actually how to make custom super souls. It took a little while but I eventually was able to figure out the talisman.idb file. Now I can edit and create super souls freely. It's just hard to breakdown how because there's a lot of data and values to familiarize yourself with plus you have to carefully edit three different files. This is the super soul I use currently though. It gives Super Armor, Ki & Stamina fast auto-recovery(the rate usually reserved for temporary activation version souls), as well as a major (XL) boost to health, ki, stamina, recovery rates, speed, all damage and defenses. The idb file will also unlock every other super soul in the game for you too. It and they will all be purchasable in the item shop. Have fun with it, but I advise you don't use this or any other op super souls I create in online battles. You chance ban at your own risk. I'll never support the choice.


Btw, I made it resale for 1000000 zeni, so buy and sell repeatedly for crazy zeni.


*For people asking of more from the God Mode!!! Super! lol


Update (11/16/16):

Ok so everyone knows, I will be taking down the original version of this mod. The version I put up is far more OP than I originally intended it to be (boosts far higher than 20%), therefore the new version will be receiving some nerfs. It will still be plenty powerful (an actual 20% boost to everything), and to compensate for the change I'm including the permanent ability Super Armor which grants no stagger alongside the already present auto-recoveries. I will also include file versions for all Ki blast types. Honestly, it feels way more OP now to me but you actually will lose if you aren't watching your meters or just suck outright at the game now. I still stand highly against OP super souls being used online. Please use responsibly.




Here is a link to my profile on the forums that you can use to send me PMs for things like commissioned requests. Talk to me before donating if for a request. You can donate by following this link (here).

Also, this is a link to my personal requests thread where you can also find my donation button located in my signature if you're interested in supporting me with future updates and releases.


Method 1:

  1. Extract data2.cpk
  2. Extract the mod.
  3. Pick a version of the mod based on the desired Ki blast type.
  4. Copy the files from that folder to their appropriate data folders. (Everything is organized for you after selecting the folder of the version you want.)
  5. Repack
  6. Enjoy


Method 1:

  1. Pick a version of the mod based on the desired Ki blast type from the corresponding folder.
  2. Copy the files from that folder to their appropriate data folders in xv2patchers data directory. (Everything is organized for you after selecting the folder of the version you want.)
  3. Launch the game & enjoy.

1.5 - Did my best to translate the name and description for all languages in the game. Can't actually test it myself other than in English, well I'm not going to at least, so I hope it works. Took almost 3 straight hours(OMG Russian to hex....never again!!!) so I hope it's appreciated. Make sure to keep a backup of the original files because this is pretty much untested.

2.0 - Set the boosts to actually be 20% to everything and also included the passive ability Super Armor which grants no stagger to compensate for the overall nerf. The non-English versions have not yet received updated descriptions to show this but will work the same. I will work on the description translations when able. Added versions of the files for each type of Ki blast.

2.1 - Updated to work with DLC Pack 1. It will no longer interfere with or replace existing super souls.

  • 7Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
60.51 kB
Credit given to modders
December 30, 2016


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  • 7Mods
  • 2Followers

File size
60.51 kB
Credit given to modders
December 30, 2016

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