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Custom Sword Moveset for Male and Female Cacs 1.3

Here is a new custom sword moveset!

Install instructions:

1 - Install what attacks you want to use. (Just install all of them)

2 - Install what Sword you want to use. (Just install all of them)

3 - Install one of the movesets.

4 - Install Effects Installer. (This is used for to get the sword effects. If it says ''reinstall'' Just do it)

5 - This is an 1.2 update. Re install what sword you were using if you had sword problems in Conton City

Hopefully you shouldn't have any problems.

PS. I have not tested these attacks on a x2m character, so good luck with that I also might add more supers/ults and swords in the future.

Credits: Rastaman for the sword esk (For Males) Unleashed for the amazing sword attacks! (I just edited the animations on these attacks to work with a real sword and not a Ki sword) Hiruma for the installer for the beast stance support

1 - Install what attacks you want to use. (Just install all of them)

2 - Install what Sword you want to use. (Just install all of them)

3 - Install one of the movesets.

4 - Install Effects Installer. (This is used for to get the sword effects. If it says ''reinstall'' Just do it)

5 - This is an 1.2 update. Re install what sword you were using if you had sword problems in Conton City

1 - Uploaded Mod

1.1 - Fixed stiff tail animations on SYM moveset

1.2 - Fixed Sword placement in Conton City

1.3 - Fixed Sword placement in Conton City again since big update

  • 37Mods
  • 44Followers

File size
85.47 MB
Credit given to modders
Rastaman, Unleashed, Hiruma
March 20, 2024


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  1. Hello!
    First of all thank you for your mod, it’s great!
    I don’t know if you accept requests, but if you see this message, do you think it’s possible to make a version with a katana?
    Thanks for your mod anyway!

  2. The HUM version of the moveset has audio bugs that don’t match with the SYM version. I think it has something to do with the CSO since I checked the BAC and SE files to see if anything was off, but I didn’t find anything. Other than that, dope moveset.

  3. Moveset works fine but the sword is not visible.
    My Saiyan woman wields something transparent during battle.
    The installation should have been done according to the procedure, but is it possible that the sword is not displayed due to conflicts with other mods?

      1. It basically breaks the tail animations, making it flow weirdly, I have the same issue and only found out that the sword s (not the moveset) breaks the tail animations sword the sword acc isn’t compatible, but if you find a way to make it so, it be greatly apprecitated (also again idk why it breaks the animations in the tail, because if you reinstall the tails mod, tails work, sword however breaks and stops moving with the animation)

  4. Moveset works great!

    Just two things I wanna ask:

    – Could you possibly add DBS Trunks’ sword as a usable one for the moveset?

    – Could you have skills like Brave Sword Attack and Sword of Hope from the base game be compatible with the moveset and use the sword you have equipped?

          1. If youre asking me, I use “Yet Another Transformable Tail”. In the desc it says install the moveset first, but if u ignore that and install this moveset first then the tail mod it will work perfectly with no issues.

  • 37Mods
  • 44Followers

File size
85.47 MB
Credit given to modders
Rastaman, Unleashed, Hiruma
March 20, 2024

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