Daimon EoS
Since my last Cac Mod got shut done without any warnings or reasons whatsoever i decided to try a final time to upload my character in here.
This mod contains my Cac Daimon.
Custom Moveset ( Mira/Mira Finalform-Mix with Tail-Support) ,
New Model, Textures and Colors (Wicked UI Outfit),
Retextured and edited Skills:
- Paulatim Mori (Retextured Godly Display with higer Damage), Credits to Dexio for the Base-Skill
- Arc of Deliverance (Retextured Soaring Fist with Effect: Cancels out the Awaken Form+Stamina-Break)
- Soul Punishment (Retextured Emperor's Edge with Effect: Slow Speed on Enemy+Stmina Break)
- Hakai Ball (See Here)
- Sinister Charge (Surging Spirit with the Effect of Darkness Mixer)
- Dark Siphoning (Retextured Energy Barrier with Effect: Inflicts Stamina-Break)
- Wicked Ultra Instinct Awakening (Custom Effects and Animation, but see for yourself ;D.)
Everything in this mod is made/edit by me. If anyone claims i stole something from them, than please show me a proof and i will take it down myself if you wish that.
If you want to support me than please become a Patreon.
Credits to:
Eternity, Akira Toriyama , Dimps and Bandai Namco Entertainment etc. for the game and the tools.
Dexio (for the Godly Display Skill with camera fix)
Also thanks to my (current) patreons:
- Jalampkin
- Marco Gueorguiev
- Lance Kemal
- codey pearson
- evilmaginakuma
- dragontackle
- Michael Rue
P.S: If anything is wrong, not working or else please write it in the comments ! Do not give bad ratings and comment because you don't like cac mods! At least give constructive criticism so i know what i did wrong or i can improve on.
X2m Installer
V1: uploaded
V2: Wicked UI for CaC coming soon for patreons.
why can I not equip the skills on my cac ?
because when he made the mod he never intended to make the skills available to other players but its fairly easy to enable them for cac you just have to extract them from the x2m and use the skill creator tool to make them usable
whats going to be fun is… he didnt label the files inside the skill folder so its goona be fun sorting out wich skills are which and using the skill editor accordingly to slot and enable them lol its completely doable its just frustrating to finger it out lol
Did you find them?