Darkness Slash (Sword Skill)

Is a version of Shining slash but a bit more powerful and with a 100 degree knife from mr gear's stuff
it's especial because...
It break the enemy's stamina and does more damage
Es Corte resplandeciente pero mas sensual porque cambie el cuchillito de manteca de trunks por un erotico y masculino cuchillo a 100 grados de mr gear y hace mas daño y deja sin resistencia al enemigo de un golpe (nadie resiste a los 100 grados)
Muchas gracias a los dioses creadores de herramientas para modear: OLGANIX, LAZYBONES Y ETERNITY
Thanks to my modders gods for their tools: OLGANIX, LAZYBONES and ETERNITY
My english came from games so... don't expect much
Thanks for downloading if you do xD
Just install the x2m with the magic tool of Eternity (xv2 ins)
Instalalo con el xv2 ins del dios Eternity
1.0 Melted in the volcanos of moldor