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DB Games Battle Hour clothing

The DB Games Battle Hour was fun, wasn't it? But now that it's over you can't get back into the app... Don't fret because I have transferred the clothing over to Xenoverse 2! Enjoy~

Includes clothes for all races. All are colourable

Install using XV2INS

  • 42Mods
  • 41Followers

File size
6.74 MB
March 7, 2021


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  1. I agree, the DB Games Battle Hour was a blast! But man, not being able to get back into the app afterward is a bummer. Props to you for transferring the clothing over to Xenoverse 2—that’s some dedication! It’s like keeping the fun alive in a whole new way. Speaking of keeping the fun alive, if you’re into trying your luck elsewhere, check out for some cool games on real cash. Just saying, options are always good!

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  • 42Mods
  • 41Followers

File size
6.74 MB
March 7, 2021

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