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DBL Transformation Lines (Revamp Compatibility)

Revamp just drop the biggest update ever! especially for CACs!

So I had an Idea and compiled the Dragon Ball Legends Transformation Lines to the best way I can!

Special thanks for โ€ช@TheTrueHQโ€ฌโ€‹ for allowing me to use his transformation animations!

I won't be saying what transformation lines are included so see it for yourselves!๐Ÿ˜„

Unzip the file and choose from the folders which you want to use!


then double-click the x2m file


no need to install NT!

2.0 - Revamp Compatibility

File size
35.28 MB
Credit given to modders
September 11, 2024


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  1. This goes hard

    A cool recommendation I got for ya is FluffyPapi’s Super Saiyan Full Power forms but with Revamp Compatibility; having Xeno Goku Black’s forms (SSR-SSR2-SSR3-SSRFP) on my cac with the revamp hairstyles and eyes would be so dope istg

  2. The only ones that show up in the shop for me are the ones with “CAC” at the end, the one i really want includes ui and super sayian 1-b. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, the ssj-rose one works and the shallot one works, but the others do not.

      1. Holy shit man, you did it SSRE looks amazing! I cant thank you enough I’ll sauce you like $20 for that
        I have to ask, it may be on my end but the SSB-SSBE line in SSB the hair is a very Dark pale red on all CAC’s is that DYT file thing ?

  3. Everyone

    I’m currently fixing the issues you encountered, it’ll be a while before I update the transformation pack

    Known issues:
    -skills not appearing on inventory or shop
    -fast ki drain (SSB and SSBE stage in particular)
    -MUI stage no auto-dodge

    Fixed issue
    -MUI stage has now auto-dodge
    -ki won’t go down so fast now

    I’ll be adding another multi stage transformations

    Wait for it guys!

  4. My friend and I decided to install it and we came across some issues.
    My game crashes when i try to transform, and my friend cant load in (example) photo mode at all, while having it equipped.

    Do you know, if there is something we were not supposed to have installed beforehand or is there anything else we might have done wrong?

File size
35.28 MB
Credit given to modders
September 11, 2024

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