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DBL Transformation Lines Revamp Compatible V4

Finally! V4 of DBL Transformation Lines Revamp Compatible is done!

No need to install NT!

FIXED: Tails are fixed! Just DO the Instructions!

All issues from the past pack has been fixed too!

As always, thank you โ€ช@TheTrueHQโ€ฌ for letting me use your animations Thank you @Revamp Team for letting me use your tail files and hair files to fix the tail not using the correct hair color issues and same with the hair


x2m type


  • Added new lines
  • Fixed issues of past pack
  • Revamp compatible


  • Skipping Stages!
  • Fixed Tail Issues
  • Fixed SSJ3 not changing colour issues
File size
93.44 MB
Credit given to modders
TheTrueHQ, Revamp
October 1, 2024


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  1. Really love this mod, but there are a few glitches I’ve noticed. The DBL Legends SSG has a visual bug with the fire Ki ball effect from your hand staying after transforming, the LSSJ body size patch doesn’t seem to be doing anything, (at least for me,) and the UI transformations aren’t dodging even after applying the fix. Not sure if this was intentional or not, but the LSSJ also still has pupils. Besides those couple of things, everything else about the mod is perfect, and I’d really like to see these bugs be fixed!

      1. Sorry, thats what i mean, I know about the directional inputs ๐Ÿ™‚ What i ment with “Transformed State” was that whole Teleport Thing on Charge Skills, as its a Vanilla Thing even, thought it was a bug that these transformations did not have it but fair enough ๐Ÿ™‚

        Now, im unsure but do you have to install Transformation Lines before V4 is installed?
        Last time i installed V4 and used the “Tail + Hair Fix” it did not let me Transform into Anything other than 1-3 SSJ in one of the Transformation lines.

  2. I would love to see a breakdown of how you made this, I want to make mods in the new Revamp structure but I have no idea how they are made in comparison to how they are made in Lazybones style. I have cracked open a few of these in 7zip and looked over the files and I still can’t make sense of any of it.

  3. Hello, I’m new to modding and I apologize if it’s something simple I can do since I’m really new to it all….but so far out of the transformations I use I noticed one minor problem. In the blue kaioken transformation line, when I go standard blue my cac’s hair turns gold not blue (the eyes are blue though)

    Other question is do you have anyone people can send requests if you play to make a v5?

      1. How would I fix the hair color myself? If it’s possible for me to then it would be easier

        Oh and I just mean like if you plan to make more transformation lines or will be taking requests for them? Like controlled berserk or ultra ego because green and purple are my favorite colors ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. I did some more testing….

        Blue has gold hair and tail
        Blue kaioken has gold hair
        PU has gold tail
        All 3 rose forms have gold tail

        But I tried the blue – evo and both have the correct hair and tail color

        If it isn’t too complicated to change it myself I’d be happy to do it….but like I said I’m new to modding the game and have almost no experience

  4. Hey i love the Update!!! Only thing i could ask for would be to add the final transformation to the ss3 rose that goku black reaches in sdbh. He gains a tail and eyebrows back atleast. Also is there anyway to add the UI dodge counter to your UI transformation?

  5. Bro, I don’t know what the file you said is, I don’t see it in the revam folders, or what do you mean is reinstalling it? Come on, bro, I don’t want to have those ugly eyes every time I transform the character.

  6. seeing Super Saiyan Rose 3 here is a great feel, thank you! i had an idea for a new transformation if you’re taking any. could you do Super Saiyan Blue Evolution > Super Saiyan Blue, but change the colors so it becomes Legendary Super Saiyan > Legndary Super Saiyan (Controlled)? i thought that would be cool, cause you would get the diesel body for LSSJ from Blue Evolution, but return to normal size and regain your pupils transforming to LSSJ (Controlled).

  7. I’m loving this mod, just want to add a few things. First, if you know, or plan on how to fix the SSR3 and SSRE mini aura. Second, is there any way to make Beast compatible with custom move sets?

    1. the author said they’re still looking for the Rose Evolution aura ID, but until it’s found, you can sort of fix this by opening the x2m and changing the aura ID’s of Rose Evolution (or Rose 2/Rose 3) to the regular Super Saiyan Rose ID’s.

  8. When I use omen/Mastered UI skill for SYF my hair uses a different style rather than the correct hair form. I haven’t messed with the SYF files at all but forms like SSJ to blue used the correct ones, and using the same skill for SYM uses the correct hair, any thoughts on the matter? P.S I use Xenoviewer so that’s how I know it uses the wrong hair.

File size
93.44 MB
Credit given to modders
TheTrueHQ, Revamp
October 1, 2024

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