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DB’s Cel-Shaders Type 1

After a lot of researching, here it is: My first Shader overhaul.

What this isn't: A Reshade preset or a reshading pack that edits DYTs.

What this is: A mod that edits and replaces the actual shaders used by the game.

That's right this mod doesn't edit or touch any character files or DYTs! What I done was decompile and edit the shaders themselves to create this cel-shading like effect. It's not a true Cel Shader as it still relies on using the DYTs, but what I made the shaders do was use them in a way that looks sharper and more cel-shading like. In Theory, this makes it compatible and work with just about any mod character mod ever made with no other edits needed.

Thanks to my friends Grinns and Rechow for helping test and taking these nice in-game screens for me.

Note that there are a very small number of accessories (and maybe mods too depending) that may show up too dark or pitch black if they used DYTs similar to Goku's hair DYTs. unfortunately there's not much i can do about that without compromising the look of entire characters.

Just install the X2M of the version you want with Eternity's Mod Instaler.

1.0 - Initial version.

2.0 - Major Overhaul

-Skill effect lighting now works and applies properly on characters.

-Snap Vanish effects now properly use the cel shading.

-Characters will now be Cel Shaded in the Conton City Lobby.

-Entire shading math has been redone fixing some issues like pitch black hair on characters like Vegeta and Raditz.

-Rimlighing now works properly.

-Added 3 Rimlighing options to choose from: Full, Half, and Off.

-Added an option for thicker character outlining for each of the 3 rimlighting options.

  • 19Mods
  • 84Followers

File size
2.77 MB
Credit given to modders
DemonBoy + Grinns and Rechow
December 13, 2020


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  1. Ever since the beast gohan update the shader is bugged and like whenever a character vanishes depending on the attack it makes the character dark with black spots all over it. This is my favourite shader mod so I really hope this gets updated or fixed soon

  • 19Mods
  • 84Followers

File size
2.77 MB
Credit given to modders
DemonBoy + Grinns and Rechow
December 13, 2020

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