DB’s Smooth Shaders

A new Shader overhaul pack! This one aims to add a nice smooth shaded look to the game.
This mod comes with 4 Rimlight versions to choose from: Increased, Normal, Reduced, and Disabled. 5 Outline shader edits are also included: Normal, Outer Only, Thicker, Thick outer, and Disabled.
What this isn't: A Reshade preset or a texture pack that edits character colors (DYTs).
What this is: A mod that edits and replaces the actual pixel shaders used by the game.
This mod doesn't edit any character files or textures at all, but the shaders used by the game instead! Because I edited the very pixel shaders the game uses to render characters, this mod should work fine on almost every character and clothing mod made for xv2! (I can't guarantee it'll look nice on mods that use shading that strays away from the vanilla game's style though..)
Another nice thing about editing the shaders directly is unlike a reshade preset there isn't any kind of performance impact at all! Your game will run the same as it did before.
Open the Installer exe and follow the instructions.
1.0 - Initial release
1.1 - Fixed glowing/glare materials not working, such as supervillain eyes.
1.2 - Updated to support new shaders added for Festival T-shirts and Ultra Super Villains
1.3 - Fixed Bug with USV Characters not looking right during vanish. - Added Support For Revamp 5.0 USV Characters - Added new Outline options: Outer Only, Thick Outer Only, No Outlines
2.0 - Completely redid all shader code to work on XV2 ver.1.23.00 (will no longer work on older versions) - Added New Rimlight type "Increased"
Which shader option so can make it look like broly in image 9
Gotta update again, characters are walking flash bangs with how bright they are
Any Chance you could add a download option for the previous version too? The current version doesn’t work with Revamp, characters are just black silhouettes.
anyone have one that works with revamp
bro my oc look like a high lighter why it look like this
The skin tones are very, very saturated, my characters switched sides on me…
Happy to have you back and hopefully knowing that everything is alright
I love using your shader but this needs to be updated
Please update this mod. It no longer works properly since 4.4