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Deadenvy’s First Hairpack

Sup Guys ?

Today i got for you a different mod. It's my first hairpack. Some people already should have these hairmodels because i uploaded them on my patreon first, link Here

Inspired by non other than Tryzick himself. He makes a really great job and like all of you should know i used one of his hairstyles since i started modding. I would appreciate it if you also check out his stuff too. Link: Youtube and Modpage.

But back to my mod. This pack containts 7 Hairstyles in total (4 more since the release on my patreon). There are 4 male and 3 female hairtyles, each with a different color after the ssj transformation.

Important !  I personally use a custom made awoken skill transformation. I'm not sure if it works with lazybones tranformation pack.  So i would say it's not compatible with it for all i know.

List of Hairstyles :

  1. McCree
  2. Mei
  3. Zarya (Male only! Because i looked kinda stupid on a female head)
  4. Hanzo
  5. Junkrat
  6. Shoulder-Length Hair Style (Based on my friend hairstyle)
  7. Long Ponytail Hairstyle

And yes before i get stupid comments. I know that every hairstyle here has no textures. But this is intentional. I'm not that great with textures and some of them looking great even without textures. If you want to change it, than please be my guest and do that. 

Credits to:

Eternity, Akira Toriyama ,  Dimps and Bandai Namco Entertainment etc. for the game and the tools.


P.S: If anything is wrong, not working or else please write it in the comments ! Do not give bad ratings and comment because you don't like cac mods! At least give constructive criticism so i know what i did wrong or i can improve on!


Drag and drop your Hairstyle ( and "After transformation color) into your data folder

Path: data/chara/HUM (or HUF)

Read the "Read Me" File inside for more help.

V1: Added 7 Hairstyles (4 Male/3 Female)

  • 24Mods
  • 14Followers

File size
4.30 MB
Credit given to modders
November 27, 2017


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  • 24Mods
  • 14Followers

File size
4.30 MB
Credit given to modders
November 27, 2017

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