DemonBoy & UI Rakurai’s ReShade Presets

Here's are two Reshade presets made by myself and UltraInstinctRarukai. To install just drag the contents of the bin folder from the zip into the bin folder of your XV2 installation. A readme inside should help with a common crashing issue, but if you have further issues then try looking for help in the Reshade Forums troubleshooting thread.
Screenshots were taken with my other two mods, Outline Remover and Rimlight Remove. Setting DOF and Glare to either Low or Off is recommend.
Drag the contents of the bin folder from the zip into the bin folder of your XV2 installation.
1.0 - initial release
still the best reshade since 4 years, thanks
Do you use reshade me to run this, because when I do it looks nothing like the pics
it doesn’t say it in description but before u download this just know it takes away your controller idk people who play with keyboard but thats just a warning learn from me cause now im uninstalling everything.
controller only problem if u can play with keyboard your fine cause this mod is a game changer perfect graphics.
nvm 🤣 just don’t install it with controller plugged in.
Hi can you tell me how you managed to fix the controller problem, because I cant find a single solution to fix this, even after downloading it without the controller plugged in. Thanks
Not sure if you fixed your problem but you don’t need EVERYTHING from this as long as you installed Reshade for the XV2 executable, just make sure the preset .ini you want to use is in the right place before you install Reshade. The new version now autodownloads the required shaders based on the preset you choose on installation. The controller problem is most likely from the dxgi.dll but when you install Reshade yourself, you’ll have your own that shouldn’t mess with your devices.
tl;dr? Install Reshade yourself, yoink the .ini you want from this mod and yeet it in the directory.
dbxv2 but with RTX