Dexio’s Skill pack 2
Well henlo, to the point, this is a skill pack. you can use it for your mods and stuff just give me credits
They work for all races exept majin male 'cause they don't deserve love
A quick description of each skill:
"A real beta skill"
Is goku MUI punch barrage thing but sigthly different chargable of course
Usage: Use it at the end of a combo and you will notice the difference
Ki cost: 100
"Big Bang Kamehameha MK2"
A Bigbang that works like a kamehameha, so is launched way fasster and it's chargable
Ki cost: 100
"Energy Jet"
Is demigra ultimate for cac's with cameras and not as useless as the original 'cause is faster
Ki cost: 300?
"Godly Display"
Goku MUI ultimate without camera problems and compatible with rosters too
Ki cost: 500
"Hakai de Dexio"
My version of Energy of destruction (toppo's thing)
Usage: Keep holding the command to mantain the sphere in exchange of ki
Ki cost: 100
"Legedary Breaker"
A powerful ultimate, is fast is strong is free
Usage: is fast so use it in a combo
Ki cost: 400
"Obscure Super Kamehameha"
A red Super kamehameha but with a punch like Super Rose kamehameha
Ki cost: 300
"Soaring fist"
Goku MUI skill untouched for cacs
Ki cost: 100
"Surging spirit"
Goku MUI ki charge skill untouched for cacs
"Time Slash"
Ideal for combos, it spawn a explosion in your oponent position
Usage: Is faster but weaker in a combo, use it for chain combos
Ki cost: 100
"Ultimate Masenko"
Gohan Blanco's skill, is sexy
Ki cost: 300
"Unleashed Charge"
Just a faster charge that push the enemy like darkness mixer but without that annoying effect and with divinity unleashed animation
"Warp kamehameha Rose"
The name says everithing
Ki cost: 300
"Warp Obscure Kamehameha"
The says name everithing
Ki cost: 300
Thanks for read: you win free access to my discord tag
if you have some problem then contact me there
So many screenshots, you can see Jesus in one of them
Thanks Dkat for your help, please take a look at his underated mods
Eternity Installer
1.0 Releasse
1.01 Fixed Bigbang Kamehameha Mk2 thanks to DarthUmbra
when i install ultimate masenko it doesnt show up in the shop
same have you fixed it?