Diego4Fun Hair Pack 12 (Gohan DBS Super Hero Pack for Female Cacs)
A new pack including 5 new hairstyles:
- Gohan DBS Super Hero Hair (Colorable) for female Cac's
- Gohan DBS Super Hero Hair (Gohan's DBS Movie texture style) for female Cac's
- Gohan DBS Super Hero Hair Edited (Longer hair and 2 front bangs colorable) for female Cac's
- Gohan DBS Super Hero Hair (Goku's texture style) for female Cac's
- Gohan DBS Super Hero Hair (Goku's texture style colorable) for female Cac's
Just run the installer
1.0 -->> Initial Release
is anyone else having issues with transforming with this hair? they all stay normal ssj colors even when blue or evolved.
anyone know what suit in the picture?
will there be a hair installer for the packs?
can u do this for males
can you make a version without the bang?
can you add a transforming hair pack to this one day
Oh, incredible, it’s super beautiful, I hope it arrives soon for the male character, will it be possible to add 4 strands? goku ss type
Thanks Diego, I appreciate this so much. Really happy you did this for me!
Nice Brodar!