Dimension Ripper Moveset

Now, this mod takes all the effects of Hit's (Time Skip) but only difference is you can actually feel it. This moveset is available for the following race and genders and will be updated shortly, HUM,HUF,SYM, and SYF. The updated version Coming Soon, will be available for all races except the (Male Majins) Female Majins will still receive the updated version the moveset but, (Male Majins) will have to wait for a further update. This moveset uses the effects from Grinn's (Hit Reworked Moveset) Shout out to (Grinns) for letting me use the movesets assets, the link to Grinns page is here (https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/modder/grinns/) I also had someone on discord test out my moveset and take the last 8 photo modes of movesets you're about to see on the slide show, Shout out to (gokublack2536) for giving such such a huge hand with the photos and early testing! The link to his page is here (https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/modder/gokublack2536/). With that being said I hope you enjoy the moveset!
Instructions are also in the folder but I'll explain anyway to save you time because that's valuable right? Ok so, first run the installer before anything. Next, after running the installer, choose the folder you want the moveset for. SYF = Female Saiyan and SYM = Male Saiyan HUF = Female Earthling HUM = Male Earthling You then want to right click on that folder and copy it Then, go to (C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDB Xenoverse 2datachara) and paste there, even if it says replace that's a good thing. Now, for the vfx and sound folder, copy both and then just paste them in (C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDB Xenoverse 2data) Finally run DBXV2.exe!
What transformation mod is that? That is literally exactly what I’ve been looking for…
Hey, do you think you could pass me that God of Destruction outfit on Discord? if you notice this just message me and I’ll tell you it. Been wanting that outfit but it’s been taken down.
The installer needs to be updated.
The Installer needs to be updated but the moveset is amazing!
what is that tranformation mod you have plz let me know where to get that
Super saiyan all skill by fluffy papi
Be carefull sometimes fluffy papi’s mod may reset your story progression
could i download the cac transformation mod
Super saiyan all skill by fluffy
How Do You Get Your HUF Skin Tone To Look Like That When I Try Make Mine Darker Its Just Red….
Hmm,maybe I could send u a screenshot of where it is on the palete
Nvm ive found it but thanks for trying to help
From the looks of it u just stay with the skin color the saiyan or human is left with by default and shift it left and right til u get what u want, never go up or down.
so those heavy hits where the burst effect fires off always miss. Should there be a vanish to get in range for those?
That’s me lol
don’t know if this is on my end but the tail glitches out when I use certain super attacks like super God fist on my male saiyan, other than that the moveset is really cool 🙂
Im kinda dumb so is HUF male saiyan or??
HUF stands for Human Female.
For a Saiyan Male the shortened name would be SYM
For some reason this moveset causes my Frieza race character to get infinite loads upon entering battle. I only installed the moveset on my female saiyan so I’m not sure why this is happening.
One small mistake can cause that infinite load screen, I’ll just update it for more races like tmr
Ok this is gonna sound stupid but.. what is the installer? Im new to this sorry
The installer adds effects to the moveset, it’s in the same folder as the moveset mod.
where can i get the god of destruction costume you used in the screenshots
if my memory is correct, its from Ysbag