Divine Rage Ultimate Skill for CAC (Custom Zamasu voice audio!)
NEW custom Ultimate skill "Divine Rage". Comes with custom voice clips for any character using Fused Zamasu or Corrupted Zamasu's SKILL voice files. Ever wanted to scream the iconic Japanese voice actor's "SON GOKUEAAGHH!!" or hear the English dub voice actor's legendary scream? Well, now you can! :D
Divine Rage is a retooled Angry Explosion that gives the proper animation for when Zamasu screams out Goku's name in a frenzied rage. You cannot be stamina broken in this Ultimate and attacks dealt to you will inflict damage to you while you're using it. You can hold the button down to prolong the explosion and increase your stamina in exchange for ki.
When Divine Rage ends, it creates a swirling energy effect around your character. This swirling energy can continuously be built up more and more as you keep using Divine Rage. However, if you rise from the ground without boost dashing, guard, or flinch from an attack, all of the energy will fade away.
Available in Pure (white) and Corrupt (purple and red). You will find both in the skill shop for 5000 Zeni.
Installs as an X2M file for the latest XV2 Installer.
Initial release