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DLC 10 Skill Resources & Recolor Megapack

Just all but one of the DLC 10 skills available as X2M resources, in addition to 9 recolors for each. Except Lightning Impact which has 10 including a Gamma Burst Flash Themed recolor I did on a whim.

Couple things to note: Appetizing Rush utilizes combo pieces and thus can be pretty janky depending on the moveset it's used with. If you're having trouble with floating over an opponent, try holding back opposite the direction you're facing while using the skill.

Skills included and Recolor status:

Photon Swipe - Done

Savory Slicer - Done

Total Detonation Ball - Done

Appetizing Rush - Done

Dragon Blitz - Done

Lightning Impact - Done

Brutal Buster - Done

Total Evasion - Done

Flash Chaser - Done


Excellent Full Course will eventually be included in this as well but until the issues with it can be resolved, it's not happening. The 100 skills included here will just have to do for now.



JustBarelyMods - For all their help answering questions throughout the process and solving roadblocks.

X2M's all day, X2M's all night.

1.0 Release

1.6 Updated with Photon Swipe, Total Detonation Ball, Appetizing Rush, Lightning Impact, and Dragon Blitz as well as their respective Recolors. (Gold/Yellow, Red/Orange, Cyan, Royal Blue, Green, White, Black, Purple, Magenta)

1.6 (12/29/19) Fixed the issue with the update using the old 1.0 zip instead of the updated version. Dunno what happened with it except it didn't want to upload the updated archive so I just went with mediafire instead. Sorry for the inconvenience please enjoy!

2.0 Added recolors for Flash Chaser, Brutal Buster, and Total Evasion. Updated a few of the original recolors, (primarily heavenly, demonic and revenge variants.) Went through and cleaned up all the X2M's to remove leftover files. Updated Appetizing Rush and all it's recolor variants descriptions.

Update: Fixed Download Link

  • 11Mods
  • 7Followers

File size
13.66 MB
Credit given to modders
Greyleox87450, JustBarelyModding
March 9, 2020


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  1. Can you tell which colors are Demonic, Destroyer, Evolved, Godly, Heavenly, Omega, Pulverizing, Rebellious, Sparking and Vengeful please?
    In the Readme you don’t say which x2ms are which colors, just two “best example” skills which is this info is not enough.

  • 11Mods
  • 7Followers

File size
13.66 MB
Credit given to modders
Greyleox87450, JustBarelyModding
March 9, 2020

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