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Dragon Ball GT MAJOR Distortion Quests

The next modpack in the Major Distortion lineup is the entire GT saga. As it's a sequel to Z, expect beefier missions, more enemies and some new features. The theme of this modpack is revenge. Many old enemies from Z make an appearance and all of them have a grudge against you: the Player. The new features include: implementation of more allies in quests to provide back for an enemy swarm. Note: allies will spawn when specific enemies are defeated. For example, in the Super 17 quest, GT Vegeta will spawn after Nappa is defeated. Defeat Nappa first to get Vegeta's help early to defeat the other enemies. The other feature is dialogue progression. Some parts of a mission will only progress after certain dialogue is completed.

I'll list the old features below: In-quest cutscenes, interesting dialogue, transformations, plots, new AI, jumping and Gokus. Due to a noticeable lack of enemies, these quests have been made beefier by having brainwashed good guys too. They're not just throwaways, sometimes, they play a major role in the quest plot.

Below are some tips [unchanged] you MUST follow for optimal experience:

1. These quests have the new AI, meaning you can't just mindlessly attack them. You have to conserve your stamina and other stats and play smartly. They WILL jump you if you have at least 2 allies up in your team. I opted to implement this over pure damage so the enemies don't deal massive amounts of damage, instead, they play smarter.

2. If there are 2 enemies at the same time, they are 100% guaranteed to transform. So, they have health caps, meaning if you get them down to a specific health pool, they will transform. Sometimes, they require both enemies to be in that health pool, sometimes they require one enemy to be KO'ed. Either way, you'll know who to fight. When you keep fighting an enemy that doesn't get their health depleted, that means you must deal damage or KO the other enemy.

3. Goku is always an ally in these quests [not anymore, others will join the fray] and he has a MASSIVE health pool, meaning he will most likely never go down. This was done to make the quests easier, but save yourselves a lot of pain and pick a character with a large ki reserve cuz you WILL need to spam supers and ultimates on these enemies.

KNOWN BUGS [still present]:

1. Normal dialogue between enemies and/or to you gets muted after you progress from a certain part in quests.

Extract using WinRar and then use the X2M method. Install in order.

1.0 - Initial Release [Revamp Xenoverse 2 compatibility included]

OKUI Goku Black
  • 4Mods
  • 5Followers

September 8, 2024


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    1. Unfortunately not yet. But I do plan on making a co-op version of this in the future. It will require some minor tweaks. This is part 2 out of 4 parts of my Major Distortions modpack. I’ll make a multiplayer version in a separate mod once I’ve released all 4 parts.

OKUI Goku Black
  • 4Mods
  • 5Followers

September 8, 2024

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