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Dragon ball Legends skillpack 1

It contains 4 skills:

Atomic Supernova: Rush to your enemy and strike them with a combination of attacks and finish them with a very powerful ki blast.Pressing the command again while rushing will allow you to control the direction using the directional buttons. It will also make it unblockeable but it will cost 2 additional ki bars.

Nut Buster: A counter attack, you can absorb all enemies attaks, and if they are close it will grab them and hit them with a very powerful strike. If you keep pressing the command you can extend the length of the absorption.

Flame Ballet: A fast, chargeable projectile up to two levels, it will burn your oponent with blue ki flames.

Rising Direct Smash: requested by Xero, A rush of attacks that end up with a ki charged piercing punch. It deals decent damage and can be used on medium and close range.

Thanks to my patreon suporters for the patience! And enjoy.

Install the skills X2M then the .exe installer

  • 28Mods
  • 34Followers

December 29, 2022


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  1. I am another one who is getting the CMN.emn.xml missing error and have done the installation process the same as instructed to do. I hope you can see this to respond to fix this but in the meantime I will be trying to get the CMN.emn.xml file myself, btw do you have a discord/discord server?

    1. I’ve seen this before with other mods. Never found out the cause, but if I had to guess something in the newest update broke it or you (or rather we) have too many mods that add too many of a specific thing. Betting on the former.

  • 28Mods
  • 34Followers

December 29, 2022

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