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Dragon Ball Super Broly Transformation Line

DBS Broly Super Saiyan

Follow the Super Saiyan From The DBS Broly Movie!

SSJ (Right + Awoken) - SSJ3 (Lots of power)

SSJ God (Right + Awoken) Flaring SSJ God (Auto Health Rec.)

SSJ Blue (Right + Awoken) SSJ Blue E. (Restores KI, Health, and Stamina)

(6 Max)

Large thanks to Kaito Kid for permission to use this transformation as a base and add the other forms to it. (SSJ3, Flaring SSJ God, and Blue Evolved)

And a massive thanks to AlphaGames, because I'm an idiot when it comes to the bcm, and i probably wouldn't have been able to release this without several more days of trial and error.

Small Things (Auras aren't public and probably won't be, Moveset is Private, Hair is kinda public but not really, and Evolutions Hair Color is fixed in the final release. which is this one.)

XV2ins after lazybones.

IF you encounter infinite loading, it's because you don't have the 299 eyes. Custom ones can be found here:

Super Saiyan 3 Eyes For SYM/SYF – Xenoverse Mods (

None Currently.

  • 50Mods
  • 341Followers

File size
1.32 MB
Credit given to modders
Kaito Kid! (Mankyuu), AlphaGames, TheMiiking/TheAllenBros04, Me, Myself, And I
August 7, 2024


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  1. yo i have a question I’m using the same Hairstyle that you have and i am asking how were you able to keep the hairstyle from changing to a basic Hairstyle because i have 2 of the similar hairstyles like video and i only wanna use them, but they’re installers.

  2. Here are modded parts of his CAC that I have knowledge of:
    His CAC’s outfit with the jacket:
    Hair – “Giant Dragon Milf Hair” by Moon² Keku (Paid via Patreon)
    Upperbody – “School Fighting Sports Clothes” by Moon² Keku (Paid via Patreon)
    Lowerbody – “Punisher Fusion Clothes/Punisher Fusion Clothes Colorable HUM/HUF” by KAIMODS (Paid via Patreon)
    Hands – “Grand Master Gi for HUF-SYF” by funfordiego (Free)
    Accessory – “Potara Earrings Accessory” by argon (Free)

    His CAC’s outfit without the jacket:
    (It uses the same hair.)
    Upperbody – “Thousand Year Blood War Yoruichi” by MikikoX (Free)
    Lowerbody – “Goku Female Z Warrior Gi/ Ultimate Z Warrior Gi Colorable” by KAIMODS (Paid via Patreon)

    Note: Some of those mods are pretty old so you’ll have to scroll a lot to find it in their Patreon since they have a lot of mods.

  3. So for the life of me i cant figure out why im hitting the infinite loading screen, ive looked at the patcher log and nothing is missing, ive gotten SSJ3 forehead and on the latest patcher so im at a lose haha any help would be greatly appreciated, love your mods by the way

  4. Man this mod is cool as duck! I dont really remember ssj3 and ssjb evo beeing in the movie but who the hell am i to complain about extra forms! Thanks man you always make some great mods! Still love your Bed hairs pack, the ssj3 hair is really special! 2023-24 feels like peak in the modding community! You guys just get better and better, my respect to you

  • 50Mods
  • 341Followers

File size
1.32 MB
Credit given to modders
Kaito Kid! (Mankyuu), AlphaGames, TheMiiking/TheAllenBros04, Me, Myself, And I
August 7, 2024

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