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DRAGON BALL XV2: New Character Selection Screen Setup

These banners come in x2m. and it's your job to install them into XV2INS and organize them into the slot editor to your desire. If you guys think I should Make my entire XV2 roster downloadable to the public let me know in the comments. I also wanna add onto this mod by making the sensitivity on the Character Selection Screen much quicker because it takes a while sometime to get across all the characters. If anyone knows how to code/mod that in please let me know, I wanna collaborate. LEAVE LOTS OF RATES AND COMMENTS!

Use the X2m's and install them into XV2INS Like characters, but style and organize the Sagas as you please or mimic mine. Duplicate "Nimbus Placeholder" for the yellow cloud block. IF you guys think I should make my entire roster available let me know in the comments how I can extract all my characters and mods. Tools By Eternity.


Looking for coders or modders who know how to work the game's mechanics to help these visions come alive into XV2.

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

January 16, 2022


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  1. This is amazing and just what I needed! I love messing around with my roster by order every update so this pleasantly makes me happy. Thank you for letting me organize more properly! may we expect more in the future?

    I’d love to organize by Cac, Fusion, Villianous, TOP Arc, Classic Dragon Ball and a Heroes title as well if given the chance! Once again great, simple and decorative mod!

          1. For clarity, I am the admin. Using AdFly links is against the rules, so it’s a good thing you changed it before I was available, otherwise I would’ve deleted it. Mediafire/direct uploads/Google Drive/Mega are all fine, but something like AdFly or any other urlshorteners are not allowed due to abuse in the past.

            Thank you for understanding.

  • 1Mods
  • 0Followers

January 16, 2022

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