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EmaEan (Libxenoverse)

Mirror when VGM don't want to download

EmaEan is a tool witch could convert some Ema <-> Ean.

Valid Ema are xxxxx.ema, xxxxx.obj.ema. No-Valid ema for this tools are xxx.mat.ema and xxx.light.ema, because it's about material and light animations.


Notice: all in ema is about like bone's animations. the fact  is bones have the same name of Emd (from Emo) Model (see Xml version to understand the structur), so it's a Node's animations in fact.

But, to edit the ema, convert it into ean, and modify animation like a skinning animation into blender, before reconvert it inot ean and after Ema.

Notice: Use the New Xenoviewer to have the node animation (use it as a skining animation, with emd on esk, ...)

Notice: a new XenoXmlConverter change to solve the bug on the extension detection (when you have many extension xxx.yyy.zzz.ema)


Notice: material animation will come soon into a futur version of XenoXmlConverter. it will use emm information to easely edit.


Git repository

just unzip.

If there is a exception, install the Microsoft redistribuable for Visual Studio 2013 update 5.

V3.0.1: bug on v3 solved


-increase the float precision.

-correct thing in ema : -wrong unk value witch was a type (witch create infinite loop in game) -add some specific interpolation (found what is the stranges index of float value) -correct the conversion with ean. -add the last keyframe (duration -1) if it's missed (and interpolation if the next keyframe is up).


V 1.0.0 :

Version witch take care of strange hierarchy of skeleton part (witch could make infinites loops or crashs).


V 0.0.0:

This version is not perfect because there is some few points I didn't totally understand.

For me, Ema -> ean conversion is not 100% correct.

But Ean -> Ema conversion is correct.

So , if you want to edit a animations, keep in mind to correct by hand others animations into the file.


With this version I try all file from Tournament stage, Goku's Kamehameha, some of demo file , like the gold dragon. All seam to work, but I can't test all. So, if you have trouble with a file, give me some feedback.



I have test to modify kamehameha, only the Hand part change , but it's a deal with patcher.

I also have modify card on the public of tournament :


Ema modification

  • 17Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
16.05 MB
Credit given to modders
Olganix, Dario, Eternity
August 8, 2019


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  • 17Mods
  • 11Followers

File size
16.05 MB
Credit given to modders
Olganix, Dario, Eternity
August 8, 2019

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