EmoPack (LibXenoverse)

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Emopack is a tools to convert Emo file to a Emd + a Esk files, and vis-versa.
EmoPack deal with Eternity's file description + some corrections for Dbxv2.
There is some unknow values in emo witch isn't into esk or emd. So if the game don't like your recreate emo file, please make do this:
-Convert original emo to emd + esk, and reconvert directly to emo. and look binary difference (with beyong compare by ex).
-copy the differences into yours modified emo.
Just unzip.
if you have exception, install the microsoft redistribuables of visual studio 2013 Update 5.
-add missing "strips", a sort of compression for list of face/triangles index.
-With that version you can convert Stage and Charac from SaintSeya.
V 1.0.0:
As EmaEan, the skeleton part of some emo could have wrong values for hierarchy (witch make infinite loops or crashs). So new version deal with that.
V 0.0.0:
Converting Emo to Emd + Esk files and dealing with Eternitys file description sounds like a game changer for Dbxv2. Your method of identifying differences between the original and modified files is truly innovative.
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