Enable Free Battle 3vs0&1&2, 2vs0&1 and 1vs0 (+Tutorial)

Sup guys i know some of you already know this but most of you probably doesn't
Recent modders here uploaded video where they fighting in 3vs1 or something like that i was shocked. How did they do that and how can i have something like that. I did my research on the internet and i found a post from eternity with the trick how to make it possible. Thanks a lot to him
So most of the credits goes to him !!!
Beside the tutorial i made i uploaded my own CharaSele.as file here. I don't know if it will work for you guys but if it is u can use it and don't need to make the tutorial.
Hope you guys will enjoy it.
Also i will try my best to find out myself how we can get 1vs2&3 battles, because it should be possible . In game we can fight patrollers in 1vs3 battles so it's somewhere in the game.
Huge Update
I managed to get it right now and made a tutorial on how to make a "place holder character" so you guys don't really need to download the charasele file i uploaded here before. Just watch my video here and the Free Battle in Xenoverse 2 becomes real "Free".
Credits/Thanks to:
Eternity for his knowledge and tools xD
Also Credits to:
Akira Toriyama , Dimps and Bandai Namco Entertainment etc. for the game and the tools.
P.S: If anything is wrong, not working or else please write it in the comments ! Do not give bad ratings and comment because you don't like cac mods! At least give constructive criticism so i know what i did wrong or i can improve on!
Just put the file in the right folder
This thing is not really important now xDD
V1: Tutorial on how to make 3vs0&1&2 , 2vs0&1
V2: Tutorial on how to make actually "Free" Battles in Xenoverse 2 (1vs0, 2vs0&1 , 3vs0&1&2)!!!
with the help of the "place holder" character
Very short guide because i wrote a very long and helpful one but the site decided to log me off and delete my text when i tried to post it:
xv2ins.exe -> tools -> slot editor -> + button -> Code: aaa -> ok -> ok
xv2patcher.ini -> stop_controller_not_connected = true -> save
Ingame select the new character with a goku avatar to kick the slot for the player. Kick yourself for spectator mode.
Don’t kick yourself on PQs, the CPU characters can’t handle complex quests.
If you move the curser over the Slot-Kicker Goku, the character preview for this character selection will break and don’t load the models. Nothing bad happens 🙂
have fun.
Neither of these work for me. I tried this Internal file and that didn’t work and I’ve also tried doing it manually with xv2ins and that didn’t work either. No crashes – it just didn’t work. instead of there being three slots of characters for each team, it’s just a 1v1.
Do you know if there is a mod or a way to disable revives in free battle? Its super annoying in a 1 versus 3 and even in a 1 vs 2 the Ai is too focused on reviving so that it barely matters if you fight two anymore.
having the Option to remove the buddies upon defeat or not allowing revives would be neat.
Which folder exatly am I supposed to put that file into?
I AM SO HYPED FOR THIS MOD!!! Can you please reply & inform me , how will I use this ? I didunderstand shit. What to do with the CharaSele.as?