Enhanced Colour (ReShader Preset)

Have you ever wanted a more colourful Xenoverse? Did you ever think this game doesn't look as colourful as the anime? Well this is the right mod for you, in this mod we Enhanced the colour range to allow for a more colourful game world.
Purchase now for only $59.99 + Shipping and Handling ;)
You may experience a framerate drop of 1-2 fps not a major difference but just wanted to include it.
Tested with: GTX 960 (2gb)
Step 1
Download Reshade 3.0.6 from (http://reshade.me/)
Run ReShade_Setup_3.0.6.exe
Select DBXV2.exe in your bin folder in your DB Xenoverse 2 folder
then check the DirectX 10+ toggle. When asked to download shader say Yes then "Uncheck All" and Select Colourfulness, FXAA, SMAA, HQ4X and Vibrance then press OK and your done with the first step
Step 2
Download my preset.
go to your Xenoverse 2 installation folder, enter the bin folder and place the file with the DBXV2.exe
Step 3
Launch the game
Press Shift+F2 then open the drop down menu and choose
steamapps/common/DB Xenoverse 2/bin/Enhanced Colour.ini
and your done