EthanTheHuman’s Super Cel-Shading pack – Beta 1

This mod contains cel-shaded textures for:
Beerus, Broly, Broly Supervillain, Perfect Cell, Super Perfect Cell, Android 17, Golden Freeza, Golden Freeza Supervillain, Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Goku Black (compatible with Super Saiyan Rose mods), Super Saiyan God Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, Hit, Raditz, Future Trunks (Super), Future Trunks (just his hair for now), Tenshinhan, Vegito (Transforms to Vegito Blue), Yamcha, Yamcha Supervillain
I will soon release a full version with all the characters in the game!
This mod takes inspiration from Yusion's Classic Xenoverse mod, the Dragon Ball Full Color manga (I use these color schemes where possible) and the Dragon Ball Raging Blast 3 project on Facebook, but no files were used from them. All textures were edited from their vanilla counterparts by me.