Expanded Terrain Mod (Cell Games Arena)
So This is the Cell Games Map Space Expansion Mod the destroyed version is kinda iffy on its quality less of the ground has collision physics but its just for enjoyment and they work in online mode if both players have the mods installed so enjoy
The same rules apply as the last one if you go to high or far you get stuck
in this case how ever the sky is larger than the length or how out you can go especially in the destroyed map to gauge how far out you can go those go past the hills and take caution when approaching the ring of trees from up down left and right of the map (if you look to the sides you will notice)
Put in stage Folder (Replaces Capsule Corp Building)
Im might try and find away to change map collision its a hard research and task to do hopefully i can
and even if i dont ill do the rest for other maps and i will try to make a map pack like komodo did long while ago for XV1