Ex’s Skill Pack 1
A pack of Skills I made for myself but I figured id upload them.
Final Ki Blast Cannon-ULT- Retexture of Neo Tri Beam (Green)
Kikohohameha-ULT- Combination of the Tri Beam and Kamehameha (Made for Tiencha)
Omega Blaster-SUP- Retexture of Spirit Bomb (Green lightning)
Omega Blaster x10-ULT- Retexture of SS Deadly Bomber (Green and Red Made for ss4 Broly)
Omega Energy Toss-ULT- Retexture of Spirit Ball (Green)
Omega Eruption-ULT- Retexture of Giant Storm
Omega Explosion-SUP- Gravity Impact with Evil Explosion Animation
Omega Shell-EVA- Energy Field with Force Shield Animation
Revenger Cannon-SUP- Retexture of Masenko with Tri Beam animation (Made for Hatchiyack)(Slight bug if you hold down wile performing the attack(jumping in Masenko) attack still works and animation goes with Hatchiyack but cacs will look a bit odd)
Trap Shooter-SUP- Trap Shooter but with Bomber DX animation (Made to look more like Brolys Ultimate Tenkaichi version)