Ex’s Skill Pack 2
2nd Skill Pack
Calamity Blaster-SUP- Purple Finish Buster (Made for Turles)
Godly Display x10-ULT- Red Godly Display (Requested)
Homing Energy Wave-SUP- Kind of a Super Final Flash with Double Busters effect (Made for Pikkon)
Meteor Ball-SUP- Crusher Ball but with more of a throwing animation (Made for Daiz)
Mystic Attack-SUP- Namekian Finger but usable for all races (Made for Angila)
Mystic Rush-SUP- Darkness Rush Ranged but converted to a super and with no eye beam (Made for Angila)
Planet Bomb-ULT- Giant Storm with Special Beam animation (Made for Amond)
Shoryuken-SUP- An Uppercut that uses Stamina rather then Ki (Made for Ryu & Ken)
Surging Chaos-SUP & EVA- Darkness Mixer with Surging Spirit animation (Request)
Voltage Missile-SUP- An Energy Bomb with Galick Gun Animation (Made for Pikkon)