Extra Forms Ultra Pack (EFUP)

The brand new Ultra Pack with Pre-Transformed characters that you can add to you roster.
the pack includes 9 characters:
Goku (Mastered SSB , UI Omen)
Vegeta (Mastered SSB)
Bardock (SS4 , SSG , SSB)
Cell (SSG , SSB , Golden , SSBE)
Teen Gohan (Potential Unleashed , SSG , SSB)
Adult Gohan (SS4 , SSG , SSB)
Goku Black (SSJ 1,2,3 , Potential Unleashed , SS4 , SSG)
Vegito (Potential Unleashed , SSG , SS4 , SSBE)
Gogeta (Potential Unleashed , SSG , SSBE)
Most of them have theme colored skills. i will more packs like this later.
This Pack and the rest of the EFUPs in the future are considered open source which means you can use them in your mods. if you did then just be sure to give credits.
Me for gathering of the mod, some Models and Skills.
Lazybone for new transformations.
Goketer HighCeiling for Revamp Pack
345Bonehoss for texture resources
Sportiax for the hakai skill (with his permission)
Janemba8000 for the DBFZ voice resources
Vaijack and the quality BOIZ for some of the portraits
you need LazyBones new transformations for Goku and Vegeta's Awakens to work correctly (download here)
X2m and instructions are in the pack.
Note: there is an alternate SSBE x2m in the main folder which you can install and get the alternate SSBE colors. be sure to install it AFTER you installed the SSBE characters. if you want the vanilla colors then just reinstall the characters after uninstalling the alternate SSBE (IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't reinstall the characters, you will get infinite loading screen).
1.0: Initial
the match doesnt load in when i try to use goku (both ui and ssgss)