Female Clothing – DB Breakers (FREE RELEASE/MODDER RESOURCE)

All the female clothes imported from DB Breakers and everything organized as well!
Same thing than Male clothes, some random names on xv2 but everything separated and with a screenshot and models on the folders to show what clothes are you dealing with.
Again big thanks to Søul for the DB Breakers Data
It would be cool if you give credits, it was a pretty hard work organize all this stuff <3
If you like my mods or want keep me motivated consider support me on patreon <3
Hope Yall enjoy this!
X2M, Replacement
1.0 Release
clothing under title large clothes 111 installs different footwear than whats shown in the picture
Some of the clothes are glitched when u fly or us a vehicle
they look nice but when you say “modder resource” are you saying they are not set to work in game? what do they need if so?
well there is some x2m to test them ingame, modder resource means you can use this to do other mods if you want 😀
oh, cool dude, that is nice and ty for making this, they look nice
can we change the collor?
the intention is to be only a modder resource for other mods, but soon ill update to make all of them colorable!
Thanks, 116 would be absolutely perfect for one character I wanted to make but the outfit ain’t complete with a black shirt and purple shawl. Outfit “116” is great
thanks zaiko i loved the port and waiting the update
Just giving 5 stars here too!
Thanks for yout effort, brodar!
ty diego <3