Female Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 (Remake)

This mod is a remake of my Lady Gogeta 4 here: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/female-super-saiyan-4-pack-vers-1-5/
- Edited bust textures again so now they are alligned perfectly.
- Made new pants and boots.
- Fixed Moveset animation according to her body so now she is standing properly (no more floating glitch).
Special thanks to: Pride Trooper Smithers, Negi Springfiled and Dexio (they taught me how to use eanorganizer).
xv2ins Eternity's tool
xv2Patcher Eternity's tool
- Double click on x2m files to install the charachter.
Version 1.1:
- Re-made the bust to fix a glitch where the bra overlapped with the vest.
- Edited tail (made it shorter and larger).
- Added new screenshots.
dont work no more. causes infinite load
Please a replacement
Can you post the hair ID for Lady Gogeta?