Female Hair Pack – Tryzick

Hey folks! A smaller pack here as I adjust to the female side of modding, its a bit more complicated for them on the texture side of things so it took me a bit to get these ready.
For a small pack though I figured these hairs would really do you all good to begin with so enjoy!
Order of appearance:
1. Zarbon 2. Karoly 3. Mira Final Form
Instructions on install inside including SSB and SSR
Do not release these mods anywhere!
No requests!
Download - http://www.mediafire.com/file/md7lrl4u6p1uhm6/Female_Hair_Pack_-_Tryzick.zip
Intro - DBZ UT - Rising Force (edited)
Changing - DBZ UT - Courage
All rights to Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Belong too:
Developer: Dimps
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Created by: Akira Toriyama
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read me file
Can you put phisics on zarbon hair?