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FighterZ style movesets, Combos uses 3 Buttons, triangle, square and X.

this are movesets that are more similar to FighterZ. you can make combos using 3 buttons, instead of just 2, here you can use the square, triangle and X button, you can also use the Triangle stamina break to extend your combos after you knock the opponents away, in addition if you press the X button after you knock your opponent away you can chase after them, characters have different actions, check all the videos and learn how to use these combos properly, the goal is to make XV2 fell more like FighterZ and make the game less of a always chase your opponent in a repetetive way after knocking them away kind of game the SS4s,omega shenron, Broly, Super Lapis, Cell, Ultimate Majin BUU, Bojack, Tien, Yamcha, Piccolo, Ultimate Zamasu, Hit.try all of them and tell me if you like them, also give feedback and tell if you want more moveset mods based on FigtherZ style for other warriors like Majuub, Lazuli. Baby or Pikkon

paste the data file inside your xv2 directoy, very simple hmm

SS4 vegeta should have a modded moveset now, also try laying with super 17 aka Super Lapis

  • 8Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
24.47 MB
July 12, 2022


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      1. Did you get help from unleashed? Also nice mod, really like how it expands the in-game mechanics since we only have two attack buttons. Maybe you could expand it to all 4 keys – square, triangle, circle and X.

    1. great huh, watch all the videos and try them all, also tell me what you want the next character pack to be, 6 characters, also try play this mod with my story and pq mod, even the characters in the story and pqs gets their movesets changed to these ones

  • 8Mods
  • 0Followers

File size
24.47 MB
July 12, 2022

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