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Fixed Skills

This MOD fixes/buffes some USELESS skills in the game...


Basic Ki Blast:

  • Broly's Ki Blast: (Green BOM): Added animation support for X2M and Roster Characters.

Super Attacks:

  • Ki Blast Canon: Small Damage Increase, the first wave will stun the opponent (not only after combos), the second wave will knock the opponent away.
  • Shine Shot: Faster, tracks and stuns the opponent.
  • Atomic Blast: Buffed the first Beam (Slightly Stronger and travels faster)
  • Wild Hunt: Uninterruptable (you can't z-vanish out of it) and you can cancel it into another move (like Galick Gun or Big Bang Attack...) after the Sledgehammer.
  • Destructive Ray: Damage Increase.
  • Super Ghost Buu Attack: Damage Increase.

Ultimate Attacks:

  • Breaker Energy Wave: You can now use it like any other move and it will cost 4 Ki Bars, but if your health is below 25% you can use it for once without any ki cost. Better aiming.
  • Neo Tri-Beam: Reduced the stamina cost for the 6 first additional inputs (half bar of stamina each input), then the next 4 additional inputs will cost 1 bar of stamina for each input, and the 2 final inputs will cost one bar and a half of stamina for each one.
  • Last Emperor:  You can now use it like any other move and it will cost 3 Ki Bars, but if your health is in danger you can use it for once without any ki cost.
  • Gigantic Meteor: Slightly Faster.
  • Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: Significantly Faster.
  • Impulse Slash: Even after the last Update from the DEVS, the ki blast Rush won't always connect after you knock your opponent down especially if you are far from the ground. I fixed it, so that the ki blast rush will always connect after the sledgehammer.
  • Time Skip/Molotov: Faster startup.
  • Final Explosion: Added a super armor (invincibility).
  • Super Galick Gun: It charges up faster now.
  • Soul Punisher: The projectile travels faster now.
  • Super Ki Explosion: Slowed down the ki draining, which results in more damage, and increased the final hit damage amount.


  • This MOD is an x2m file, it replaces the original skills files and only affects the MENTIONED SKILLS.

How to support me:


  • Eternity, Lazybone and Olganix for their "Modding Tools"
  • Just Install the X2M File, it makes the installation easier...


  • If you don't want some moves to be modified, just delete the corresponding skill folders.

Ver. 1.3:

  • Compatibility with Latest game Version 1.12.00
  • Wild Hunt (Updated: you can cancel it into another move after the sledgehammer)
  • Breaker Energy Wave (Updated: the move has now better aiming / improved the opponent knockback strength)
  • Time Skip/Molotov: Faster startup.
  • Final Explosion: Added a super armor (invincibility).
  • Super Galick Gun: It charges up faster now.
  • Soul Punisher: The projectile travels faster now.
  • Super Ki Explosion: Slowed down the ki draining, which results in more damage, and increased the final hit damage amount.
  • 17Mods
  • 13Followers

Credit given to modders
April 2, 2019


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  • 17Mods
  • 13Followers

Credit given to modders
April 2, 2019

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