Frieza’s Nightmare!? (What if Parallel Quest)

Hey there, fellow Time Patrollers! Your interest in my mods means a lot! I'm on a mission to bring you more awesome and free content faster than a warp kamehameha! But to keep up the pace, I need your support and subscribers. When sharing my mods, be sure to include a shoutout and a link to help spread the word! Together, we can make the modding community even stronger. Your support and subscriptions keep the power level rising! Thanks for joining me on this epic adventure!
(Now with the New Update 1.6)
This is my first ever modded Parallel Quest! If you appreciate my first ever mod, please consider supporting by donating and subscribing. Creating these mods involves a lot of hard work, and I strive to provide them for free. Your support helps me continue this endeavor. Thank you for valuing my efforts!
A very special thanks to these awesome people below:
The TrueHQ -
Milk Man -
Unleashed -
A time rift has caused many warriors to come to Namek to fight Frieza! you must protect him at all costs!
But your choices matter in this battle with different outcomes, so be careful what will you decide!?
Good luck Time Patroller!
- Vs Turles and Lord Slug (Villainous Mode)
- Vs Turles and Lord Slug (Super Villainous Mode)
- Vs Cooler (Final Form) and Soldiers
- Vs Vegeta and Goku
- Vs ??? (Depends Who You Defeat First)
Win Conditions:
- -Defeat Goku and Vegeta
- -Defeat Vegeta before Goku
- -Defeat Super Vegeta and Super Saiyan Goku
(But there is different outcomes)
Lose Conditions:
- -All Team HP Depleted
- -Frieza is defeated
- -Time Expires
No DLC Required!
Also Check the changelog to see if you have the up to date version!
This is a custom Parallel Quest for Dragonball Xenoverse 2.
A quest with alternate ending depending on your choices!? How will it end for you? Can you find all endings!?
Keep updated and support here:
X2M File:
DBXV2 X2M INSTALLER - This method is specifically for "X2M" files.
To use this method, you simply acquire the X2M Installer.
Download Link:
Open the XV2 Mods Installer (xv2ins)
Click the "Install" button and find and open the mod you want to install.
Then you should get a Pop up to confirm your adding your mod (Click Yes)
Bam the Mod is now added to your game!
Then run your game and it should be in the "Event Quests" menu on the bottom.
You can also easily uninstall X2M characters via the same X2M Installer program.
Click on the mod you want to uninstall
Then click the uninstall button
Done, the mod is removed from your game!
If the mod quest still doesn't appear go into the save editor
Download Link:
Load your save file
Go to the Quests tab
Then go parallel quest tab
Either click unlock all (revealing every quest) or scroll down till you see this quest and unlock it
Enjoy!! :)
Version 1
Beta/Patrons Release
Version 1.0
Bug fixes, Official Released Public
Version Update 1.2
Bug fixes, Dialogue/Portraits fixes, Smarter Frieza Ally Ai
Version Update 1.3
Bug fixes, Cutscenes added, Ai level and stats fixes
Version Update: 1.4
Bug fixes, Standard Medium Difficultly, Better Dialogue, Smarter AI and Custom Cutscenes!!
Version Update: 1.5
Various bug fixes, Hard Difficulty, Removed Timer, Better Rewards, Updated Trailer, Smarter Ai , Stats fixes, Positions fixes and improvements.
Version Update: 1.6
Various bug fixes, Improved Cutscenes, New Models, New Transformations (like the cutscenes in trailer), Better Rewards, Script Fixes, Improved Ai , Stats fixes, Positions fixes and improvements.
When I try to install quests, I get the 192 quest overflow error. Got any fixes (I only got 5 modded quests)
Hey I’m currently updating this quest, do you have an update version of the game maybe its clashing? try message my discord or socials and ill try help
How do you make custom cutscenes?
Alot of trial and error, but I’m getting there! Please like share and subscribe so I can make these faster
I hope you guys enjoy! please let me know if the custom audio or cutscenes fail or any bugs as I’ve played through it so many times! love to hear feed back! More coming!!!
if you want the lastest update news just find my youtube, twiiter, facbook and pateron 🙂
wow these custom pqs are amazing i will definitely support all your work where i can
Thank you so much!! I appreciate it! dont forget to subscribe to my youtube and socials it really helps me out and i can keep making mods!! also keep an eye on this quest im currently updating this for version 1.5 (most likey the final update!)