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Full Face Android Race For Cac Male And Female it Android 17.Android 18.Android 21/With Glasses And Without Here Some Picture update Of Android 21 And Android 18

Hello Everyone It Me Moanatea123

Happy New Year 2023

I Hope All Of You Feel Good

Here Some Change I Put All My Race Mod In One Pack For The Cac

Update Coming For Android 21 Android 18 Fix Face Animation Plus Hair Clipping

For Now I put Android 21 Full Face Without Her Glasses.

here some picture update of android 21 still working on sorry for that fan i do my best for you plus now all hair work modded hair style or vanilla hair here android 18 Too

I Will Let You Know Fan When The Update It Here Again Am So Sorry For That

Thank You All Of You

Stay Safe And Take Care

Just Drag And Drop For Female IT Call HUF And For Male It Call HUM

Update Coming Soon Version 1.3

For Both Female

Android 18 And Android 21

For CAC i put some major picture for both 18 and 21 fixing both facial plus hair styles

plus i add android 21 face eyes that go with all hair and trasformation i put some photo

if you like i will update

Cuthers Vincent
  • 3Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
5.49 MB
August 7, 2024


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  1. Android 21 face works perfectly fine, but there is a problem with Android 18’s face. Upper half of her face (and her ears) is grey and I’m unable to change its color. Kindly address this problem asap 🥲

    1. I just found out something: the files that are named HUF_000 have no problem, but if I rename a file to HUF_001 (or HUF_002, etc.), then the problem comes… meaning I cant have both Android 18’s and 21’s face at the same time without a problem

  2. hello it me Cuthers Vincent alis Moanatea123 fan big thank to all of you sorry to take so long but i do my best for
    plus add some photo update and new option with android 21 face that work with all modded hair and vanilla style
    plus lazybone transformation working very well check the picture i add and let me know if you.if so i will update
    again sorry sorry that

  3. I’m so hyped for when you fix the face animations and the eye tracking for the A21 face, I made my cac, replaced the voice files and did everything, this mod made me so happy, I really am looking forward to the update when you fix the eyes especially, being able to see my cac with a21’s face actually have her eyes move will be enough to make me very happy to say the least, I’d even PAY you if it’d mean you can do it faster, I actually will just contact me on discord with the handle batter. (with the period (.) at the end)with the display name しも, good luck and I’m certainly looking forward to the update!!!

  4. update coming soon fan dont worry i have time now to work on both female so stay tune i will let you 21 it close to finish fix hair plus eyes color can
    now be change and fix all face animation and compatible with all hair style from the base game plus hair mod plus transformation mod
    and for android 18 it will be same and i will rework on android 17 face to

Cuthers Vincent
  • 3Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
5.49 MB
August 7, 2024

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