Full Metal Demon Armor for Females

The Base Armor that appears in the Obscure metalmorph awaken skill by Dexio. For Earthling and Saiyans females. Sorry but no wings and tail (Atm). Also no colorable version (Atm). In exchange you have the claws! (and a no claw version if you don't like that). Sadly the "wings-things" behind the legs have some clipping problems (same as the transformation), since they have no physics of their own i was not able to fix it.
Thanks to: Eternity and Anime Game Mods for the XV2INS and xv2costcreat, Olganix for xenoviewer and the tools, Moderator(s) and Site Owner(s) for the upload. And to the creators of Dragon Ball and Xenoverse games.
Thanks to: lumpdigital (not a xv2modder) for the claw model (link in the files).
Intrested in CaC things? check My other mods (not a lot for now, but more to come!)
Feel free to suggest me whatever you think, but i don't assure you that i'm going to do it!
Don't forget to give credits if you want to publish something (mod, videos etc) including my mods, and give me a link as well, i like to see my mods in action!
Same as always.
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Is it possible to get the colorable version?