Full Power Mastered Transformation CAC – Saiyan Male & Female

IMPORTANT - Effects used from Super Saiyan God on Super Saiyan God 2 Stage 5 made by Grinns - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/super-saiyan-god/
His Profile - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/uploader/grinns/
NOTE - If aura does not appear press the Block key to fix it sorry about that but the aura does not work as intended.
Required Mods
You will require Lazybones Transformation mod for this to work - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/new-transformations-added-skills
You will also need Aura Pack - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/azuras-aura-pack
If you like my work and would like to support me you can donate bellow (I will never put anything behind a paywall so support is optional) - https://www.patreon.com/hazedestruction or https://streamlabs.com/hazedistruc7ion1
//// Here is step by step instructions to get it to work correctly! (MUST FOLLOW!!)
Make sure you uninstall previous versions including the BCS Entry's !!!
Step 1: Install the New Transformations Installer.exe download here: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/new-transformations-added-skills/
Step 2: Install the "LB Mod Installer.exe the azura aura pack here: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/azuras-aura-pack/
Step 3: Install the Full Power Mastered Aura.exe found in the mod folder
Step 4: Install Full Power Mastered.x2m file within the xv2ins.exe (Make sure to uninstall previous versions including the BCS entry)
Run the game!!
IMPORTANT - Effects used from Super Saiyan God on Super Saiyan God 2 Stage 5 made by Grinns - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/super-saiyan-god/ His Profile - https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/uploader/grinns/
Troubleshoot ============
If you are getting errors while trying to install LazyBone Installer or aura pack installer follow instructions bellow
Step 1: Go to C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDB Xenoverse 2datavfx
Step 2: Delete "cmn" folder
Step 3: Follow Instructions again listed above and it should fix your issues with auras not displaying as intended.
- New Update Changes
- Fixed issue where there was no aura while flying in SSJ2 and 3
- Fixed Aura issue where it would not go away on SSJGod3
- Added 3 more stages after each full power transformation including Ultra Instinct
Version 2
- Added New Animations
- Added All New Auras
- Added New Sound Effects
“System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: O índice estava fora do intervalo. Ele deve ser não-negativo e menor que o tamanho da coleção.
Nome do parâmetro: index
em System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
em Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetStringSize(List`1 bytes, Int32 index)
em Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetString(List`1 bytes, Int32 index, Boolean useNullText, EncodingType encodingType, Int32 maxSize, Boolean useNullTerminator)
em Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.GetSkillEntries(Int32 count, Int32 offset)
em Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.Parse()
em Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser..ctor(Byte[] _bytes)
em LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
em LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
em LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW..ctor(InstallerXml _installerXml, ZipReader _zipManager, MainWindow parent, Xv2FileIO fileIO, FileCacheManager _fileManager)
em LB_Mod_Installer.MainWindow.d__76.MoveNext()”
Hi I receive this error installation when I tried… do have a problem solve, I can try understand or how to fix this?
mod outta date is usually the cause. or to much mods installed
What does it mean if a popup with error occurs when I run the aura installer for your mod?
hair color and fur color and stuff so its hard too tell what forms I’m actually even going into, aslo when i go into some of the trasfomations it lags quite alot, dosent freeze fully or crash, but aslo this might jsut be an issue on my end with my software and amount of mods im running at once idk, either way is there a way too fix th hair and stuff not changeing i have lazybones and azura’s aura installed already so thats not the issue
Made an account just to post this, is there a version that doesn’t have the health drain? Makes the higher forms a lot less fun
what are the hair id’s?
uhm can u fix the hair not changing?
How do I get the hair and color to change? The auras look freaking cool, but the hair, fur, and some of the eyes stay yellow Something wrong?
you need lazy bone mod and aura pack mod linked below
hair mod pls